Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Brand?

A strong brand is:

  1. The feeling people have about your business. What comes to mind when you think about Apple or Disney?

  2. Distinguishes you among your competition. What sets you apart?

  3. Supports your business decisions. A standard by which to stand on.

  4. Is easily recognized and memorable. If someone saw your logo, would they know it?

  5. Builds your reputation. Do people know, like and trust you?

  6. Is consistent across the board. Everything from colours to messaging has to line up.

What is Brand Strategy?

Brand Strategy is taking a deep, detailed look at everything your brand is. It’s asking the tough questions, and making sure your answers are what you want to be supporting the future of your business. Source Inspired’s approach is to sit down over 3-4 sessions and do the hard work! You will be amazed at what you discover, and you’ll be inspired by all the possibilities that you hadn’t thought of before. Get super clear on what you offer and why.

Why not just start with a logo?

SO many people think the logo is the first place to start. But remember that building a strong brand starts with a solid foundation. Your company colours and logo are the icing on the cake. You need to know all the details about the business’s “guts”, before you can even know what the logo should be representing.

How long does it take to do Brand Strategy?

Source Inspired’s process for Brand Strategy from beginning to end, is about a month. So let’s break it down. A typical Brand Strategy session can be 2-4 hours long, and we do this together over a few to several days (somewhere around 10-12 hours total). The reason for this amount of time is because we are digging deep into the what, how and why of your business. You’ll be asked questions you never imagined, and when you answer them, you’ll be connecting to your business in a deeper way than you ever though you would.

From there, you take a break while we take the next couple weeks to analyze all the amazing information we came up with during the sessions together. We translate it all into a Roadmap that you will be able to use for years to come - a complete guide to your business, and a resource for making any and all decisions.

Have another question?

Still have questions? Feel free to contact us with any questions your may have. We will do our best to get back to you quickly. We know that you are a busy business person, and need answers!